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Character Sheet
![]() Attributes
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Jamak: OOO
Allies: O
Trinket: OOO
DenRealm: O
Ferocity OOO
Honor OOOO
Cunning OOOO
Rage: OOOO
Willpower: OOOO
Double-Jointed (1) (most): -2 difficulty on any roll involving flexibility.
Deep Sleeper (1) You are very difficult to wake up; difficulties to get you up at the sound of trouble and to get you functioning effectively after arousal is increased.
Feral Appearance (1 pt. Merit)
Masochist (1 pt. Flaw) You either enjoy pain or enjoy inflicting it on others. In addition to the inconveniences this fascination may cause you, you may also be seen as sick (and, well you are), or even more sick people may use you for your obsession.
Culture Knack (3pt Merit)- Wherever you go, there you are. While some people may get hung up on social niceties when they travel, you're not one of them. This talent grants you an innate insight into social graces in unfamiliar settings. With very little effort, you could go from Soho pub to dinner with the Queen. Wherever you are, whomever you're with, you make a good impression.
Unlike the Culture Knowledge, this Merit doesn't grant you an immediate background in the society you encounter; instead, it allows you to pick up customs quickly, if superficially, and keeps your from embarrassing yourself. In game terms, this Merit offsets any penalties your character would normally have in social situations or culture clashes. Under some circumstances, it can reduce difficulties in encounters where "doing the right thing" makes an unusually good impression. It cannot be used to offset bad reactions based on magical interference of purchased Flaws, but it can help your character recover from a botched Social roll by rolling again at normal difficulty. Knowing just what to say or do can help you save face, and in some cultures, that's vitally important.
Allergic (1 pt. Flaw): You suffer from an allergy to some substance; a 1 pt. version inconveniences you and may increase difficulties in certain situations, the 3 pt. version means you have an incapacitating or even a potentially fatal reaction to the substance . Khory is allergic to Aspirin.
Phobia 3 pt. Flaw You have a specific, incredibly powerful fear. The 1-point version, you have to succeed a Willpower roll. You will refuse to approach the object of your fear if you get less than three successes, and will flee if you fail the roll. The 3 point version, you must succeed a willpower roll or be incapacitated by your fear, or if you are a Werewolf or Vampire, you will have to make the appropriate roll or enter a fox frenzy/rötschreck. Khory has a phobia of vacuum cleaners.
Cat's Claw 1 - The Bastet may use her claws (which inflict aggravated wounds) in Homid or Feline form as well as the others. It takes one action to unsheathe your claws or they may be popped instantly by spending a Rage Trait.
Humbaba's Escape 1 - One of the tribe's first and most valuable tricks, this Gift allows a wereleopard to dislocate her limbs and slide through small openings. Though the Bagheera claim that the wise cat Humbaba invented the trick, the Simba maintain that he originally learned it from Mouse-spirits. System: The player rolls Dexterity + Athletics to dislocate her cats limbs. The harder the attempt, the higher the difficulty becomes. Undoing her wrist to get out handcuffs would be difficulty 6, while dislocating your spine and ribs to get through an airshaft would be 10. While the cat is out of joint, her Stamina rating drops by two. Simple adjustments don't cost any Gnosis, but large-scale body-shifts cost one point.
Catfeet 1 - This Gift amplifies the agility of a cat, making him immune to falls under 100 feet (he lands on his feet just right). He also has perfect balance even on the most slippery surfaces, and the difficulties of all combat actions involving body slams and grappling are reduced by two.
Lick Wounds 1 -As the Theurge Gift: Mother's Touch, this power heals normal or aggravated wounds (but unlike the Theurge Gift, can be used to heal oneself). This Gift may be used as many times as the player wants, but each healing "lick" costs another Gnosis point. Bear in mind that even a cat may be loathe to lick up toxic waste or raw sewage! Some substances, like silver or Wyrm-poison, might damage the healer in proportion to her healing -- that is, by one Health Level per Health Level healed -- if it's still in or on the wound when she licks it.
Silent Stalking 1 -By passing a Static Physical Test, the Bastet may move through any area silently.
Spirits Sight 1 - Although werecats cannot normally travel though the Gauntlet, this Gift allows them to see through it for a short time. Plenty of good secrets can be discovered this way, but the Gift's effects tend to frustrate the hell out of the Bastet who can't get through, like a cat watching a bird on the other side of a window.
Tree Climber 1- This Gift allows the Bastet to walk on vertical surfaces by passing a Static Physical Test. The difficulty of the test is dependent upon the specific surface; through ceilings are always a Hard Test.
Call Spirits 2 - By speaking the ancient language of The-World-That-Was, a Bastet may communicate with nearby spirits as if they normally speak her language. This Gift weaves between the Gauntlet and the material world, and carries words both ways. System: The player rolls Gnosis against the local Gauntlet. If she's standing inside the Penumbra already, no roll is necessary. Once she learns this Gift, the werecat understands spirit-speech for the rest of her life, although some truly alien spirits might be beyond normal comprehension.
Walking Between Worlds 2 - This Gift allows a Bastet to "step sideways" using the normal rules of Garou. Khory was taught this gift by her Jamak.
Caper 2 - as the Galliard Advanced Gift "Song of the Siren", except that the Bastet dances rather than sings.
Cat sight 2 - By passing a Static Mental Test, the Ratkin can see in complete darkness or ignore any non-magical obscurement (fog, smoke, etc).
Bridge Walker 2 (when in Den Realm)
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