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Wolfwood Castle
![]() ![]() Attributes
![]() Abilities
![]() Other Traits:
Do (water): OOO
Kongjin: OO
San-he: O
Avatar: OOO
Arcane: OO
Library: O
Sanctum: OO
Resources: OO
Influence: O
Dynamic: OOO
Entropic: OO
Static: O
![]() ![]() Immediate Spatial Perceptions - The Apprentice of Correspondence is taught how to sense 3-dimensional space with keen understanding. They can intuitively sense how objects relate to space, calculate the exact volume of objects, the distance between objects, and be able to sense objects in their immediate vicinity without having to perceive them through the normal five senses. The mage may determine, to any level of accuracy, any aspect of the targets dimensionality (size, shape, distance, location, etc). In addition, the mage may choose to just sense the range and dimensionality of an area, effectively giving them a kind of 'sonar' effect. The mage may give themselves the ability to sense and navigate their surroundings by sensing the shapes, distances, and sizes of their surroundings. They would see no colors, only the contours of faces. Note that this effect only effects the mage's immediate surroundings - this cannot sense outside of Line of Sight.
![]() ![]() Sense Space - The mage can now send his or her perceptions to any point in space by shifting their relationship to the Correspondence Point. They may re-locate any or all of their senses to another point in space. The senses function normally at this new point in space, but realize that their senses no longer sense the immediate vicinity around their person - they can only sense the new location. This power also allows the mage to sense if they are being spied upon by a remote observer through some sort of perception extension (binoculars/Sense Space/cameras).
Touch Space - The mage can, with conjunctional Disciple Life or Matter (or both) teleport small objects to and from themselves. The mage can shift objects up to a maximum size of a house cat. The mage must grasping the object during the teleportation.
Ward - The mage may prevent scrying or remote sensing an area of space by re-enforcing the tapestry of an area. Upon a successful magical effect casting, the area of space effected by the magical effect is protected by this ward for the duration of the effect. Whenever someone wishes to remotely scry this area, their general success rating is dropped by the numeric equivalent of the magical effect result. This effect may be cast cumulatively, with this number being increased each time the effect is successfully cast.
![]() ![]() ![]() Pierce Space - At this level of understanding, the mage has an in-depth, personal understanding of the Theory of Correspondence, and may change their own relationship to the Correspondence Point. The mage can teleport themselves and everything they are carrying to another area in space. This can be used to evoke the 'Fair Escape' rule in virtually any situation. Upon success, the mage states that they 'disappear' and walk to their new location in space, using an out-of-game hand signal, and tell the people in the new area that they re-appear, oriented in any way they deem fit. If there are not too many people in the vicinity, the mage may call 'Freeze', move to their new location, then call 'Unfreeze'. This effect is vulgar or coincidental.
Lastly, this power allows the mage to slide objects through space, simulating telekinesis or levitation. Again, objects being moved can be no bigger than a common house cat, but weight is no option - only size. This effect can be used to cause damage, and is handled by the General Effect Result Table. Vulgar or coincidental.
Seal Gate - The mage may also prevent others from remotely spying on an area with this power. Every Correspondence effect that involves opening or playing with the Tapestry of the area (ie, Remote sensing/Teleportation) has it's magical effect result rating lowered by the numeric equivalent of the magical effect result. This may be cast multiple times, with this number being cumulative.
The mage may also ban a certain type of pattern from an area of space by casting this power conjunctionally with the Disciple level powers of all patterns involved in the banned pattern, as well as having some connection to the target of the banning. If the mage accumulates a magical effect result rating of five or higher, it is impossible for the target pattern-type to enter that area of space. Note that this effect cannot effect magical effects or the incarnations of paradox.
Co-Locality Perceptions - Also, at this level of understanding, the mage may potentially perceive all points in space at the same time. While this may seem to be a stupid idea, it can be very useful, and also very trippy. The mage may 'stack' their perceptions, perceiving all the wanted points in space at the same time. The result is a convoluted landscape of many ghostly images. The mage may co-locate their perceptions as many times as they have mental traits, and differentiating between one scene and another requires a static mental challenge vs a number twice the total number of scenes being viewed. If the mage wishes to perceive more scenes than they have mental traits, they may do so by winning a complex challenge. If they succeed, the extra scenes. If they fail, they enter a Quiet of a rating equal to half the number of scenes being perceived.
![]() Sense Life - The mage can read the patterns of life, learning a lot about it - it's age, sex, race, etc. Any degree of success can be used with this level of Life, but the greater the degree of success, the greater the detail of the information.
![]() ![]() Alter Simple Patterns - The mage can alter, heal or destroy any simple life pattern. The mage may change the shape, health or form of any simple life pattern. The base structure of the pattern cannot fundamentally change - a tree will still be a tree, even if it has poisonous fruit now. Healing aggravated damage is considered vulgar, always. The number of health levels the mage can heal is determined by the general effect table.
Heal Self - The mage can heal damage to their own life pattern. The number of health levels healed by this effect is determined by the general effect table.
![]() ![]() ![]() Alter Self - The mage may now alter their own form. They cannot change their fundamental form (human) (hopefully), but they change their appearance, sex, modify themselves go give them fur, gills, or natural weaponry, or improve their stats. They may receive one new physical trait for every effect result rating of the effect, for the duration of the effect (any duration over one day causes aggravated damage due to Pattern Bleeding) (see below), but if this total goes over the maximum number of trait for their race, they gain a permanent point of paradox for each trait above their trait maximum. If this modification is nullified, the permanent paradox point goes away. If the mage gives themselves natural weaponry, and decide to make it permanent, they do not suffer from pattern bleeding, but still retain the permanent paradox points.
Pattern Bleeding is caused by imperfect modifications of a mage's Life Pattern causing it to 'leak' raw quintessence. Every full day that a mage's pattern is modified by a magical Life effect, the mage takes a level of aggravated damage which CANNOT BE HEALED THROUGH magical MEANS. The mage may resist this damage if they are an Initiate of Prime and have some Quintessence to spend - spending a point of quintessence for every extra trait will nullify the effects of pattern bleeding for one day. If the mage uses experience to purchase the extra traits, they no longer suffer the effects of pattern bleeding, but if the trait total is over the normal race maximum for the mage's race, the permanent paradox points remain.
Heal Life - As with the Initiate level of this effect, the mage may heal (or harm) other complex life patterns. The number of health levels healed (or inflicted) on the target pattern is determined by the general effect table, and heal aggravated damage is still vulgar. As well, vulgar life effects cause aggravated damage.
Transform/Create Simple Life Patterns - The structure of simple life patterns are now at the beck and call of the mage. The mage can turn them inside out, change one into another, or create them from other patterns, using conjunctional Matter, Forces or Prime effects. Although nothing that the mage makes has a mind of it's own, but with most simple life patterns that is rarely a drawback. Instinctive reflexes may be imbued into the target, but that is the limit. The mass of the patterns the mage can alter or create is determined by the general effect result table.
![]() Matter Perceptions - The mage can sense the patterns of Matter, letting them know their composition, structure, if anything is hidden inside them, any property of matter. Any degree of success will elicit information about the pattern (s) in question, but more successes will merit more information.
![]() ![]() Basic Transformation - The mage may transform one base substance into another, without changing it's shape, temperature, or basic state (solid, liquid, gas). The more drastic the transformation, the greater the effect result rating must be. Changing water into wine would require a rating of one, changing water into sulfuric acid would require a rating of three. Turning sourdough into rye bread would require a rating of one, whereas turning bread into stone would require a rating of three. Casting this effect conjunctionally with the appropriate levels of other pattern magicks can transform one pattern to another, although this requires at least an effect rating of three. If the matter mage is an Initiate of Prime, they may create (or unravel) any simple, basic thing composed of one homogeneous substance. A boulder vaguely shaped like a woman is possible, but a dainty china shepherdess is not. Complex artificial substances such as plutonium are also not possible until Master. Elaborate creations cannot be created until Adept. Any matter created is considered at the ambient temperature of the surroundings unless the effect is cast conjunctionally with Disciple Forces and Initiate Prime. The mass of substance that can be created/Transformed is determined by the General effect result table
![]() Sense Thoughts and Emotions - The mage can sense the thought around them. They can not yet read them, but can get general impressions about the mind of those around them. If the mage obtains any effect result rating, they may read the target's aura to determine their emotional state. The mage may also be able to sense psychic impressions left on objects. By obtaining any level of success on an effect, they may sense 'good' or 'bad' vibes about an object or area. This includes the resonance of objects, like Tass or a Node.
Empower Self - The apprentice of Mind has a higher degree of control over their own mind. Eidetic memory, lightning-fast computation, mind-over-body control of biological processes, everything of that sort is available to the apprentice of Mind. They may change their emotional state of mind, trains of thought, speed up or slow down their rate of thought, edit their own memories, control biological processes, etc.
The mage may also form a mental barrier to prevent mental intrusion. The effect result rating of the mental barrier subtracts it's rating from any attempt to read the mage's thoughts or aura. This also affects non-magical aura perceptions, allowing the mage to add twice the effect rating of the magical effect to their mental trait total while the barrier is active.
This power can also be used to defend against non-magical mind effects, ie, Dominate, Presence, Obfuscate, etc, the mage must be at an equivalent power level to even attempt it. For example, the correlation between other supernatural powers and Mage spheres is Basic = Apprentice, Disciple = Intermediate and Master = Advanced. What this allows the mage to do is re-test a non-magical mind control power that succeeded against them, assuming the mage is of a suitable level of mastery, and has been under the influence of one of these powers before. The re-test is considered a magical effect, and so the positive and negative influences on a magical effect may be utilized, and the mage uses four times their Arete total instead of their mental traits for the purposes of the re-test.
![]() ![]() Subliminal Impulse - The mage may transmit a simple command to their target, which affects them in a very insidious manner. If the mage attains an effect result rating higher than their target's willpower, the mage may issue a subliminal impulse to them which they must obey. The need to go to the bathroom, the opinion of someone, a sudden idea, etc. The command cannot be obviously suicidal or go against the nature of the target.
Read Surface Thoughts - The mage can now read the surface thoughts of minds, as well as sense memories attached to objects (basic psychometry). By getting an effect result rating higher than the target's willpower, the mage may read whatever is on the surface of the target's mind. Note that the mage cannot form a mental link with this level of power - each reading requires a separate magical effect.
Window Dressing - With a successful magical effect, the mage may erect fake mental structures, such as changing their surface thoughts, or auras. Every effect result rating allows the mage to modify one aspect of their surface thoughts or color of aura to fool or confuse those attempting to read them.
![]() Etheric Senses - The mage can sense quintessence and the amount of quintessence that is being stored. The mage can sense the free quintessence whether it is stored in a talisman, stored in a pattern, stored in an avatar, coming out of a node, or in the form of tass) and the amount of quintessence that is there. Sensing Tass or a node is the easiest, only requiring an effect rating one one. Sensing quintessence stored in a talisman or prime stored using Store Prime requires a rating of two, sensing quintessence stored in any other pattern or an Avatar requires three.
Store Prime (immediate) - The normal amount of quintessence a mage can store without Initiate rank in Prime is determined by their avatar. The Apprentice of prime may use this Sphere power to store excess quintessence on the outside of their body. This allows the mage to store a maximum number of 20 points of free quintessence both on their body and in their avatar. The mage may store a number quintessence equal to the result rating of the magical effect, and may only use this effect once per quintessence source. This stored quintessence is not stored in their avatar, so this effect stores quintessence above and beyond their avatar rating.
![]() ![]() Weave Idyllic Force - The mage has not attained some level of control over the shifting patterns of prime, and may now infuse this magical energy into objects or divert small streams of the stuff. The mage may infuse a weapon with Primal force, allowing it to to aggravated damage to supernatural creatures if the mage attains a minimum effect rating of three. This enchantment lasts as long as the duration of the effect, and then wears off. Each time the weapon is used to inflict an aggravated level of damage, one point of quintessence must be spent. If the weapon enchanted is being used by a non-mage, then the casting mage may 'charge' the effect with a number of quintessence points by casting this conjunctionally with Channel Quintessence. In this case, the charged quintessence is used instead of the user's quintessence. Also, the mage may divert a small amount of a Life pattern's quintessence flow away, causing a great amount of pain and disruption to them, and they start to flicker in and out of reality. Upon successful casting, the target of the spell is stunned and cannot function for the duration of the effect, which is effectively one rating lower than normal. The target may spend a point of quintessence to smooth this ripple effect out (Or a Disciple of prime may spend it for them with any degree of success on their magical effect). The target may also spend a willpower trait to allow themselves to act for 10 minutes.
Fuel Pattern - This is needed to create any of the Pattern magicks: Forces, Life and Matter. If a mage wishes to create a pattern, the pattern magick must be casted conjunctionally with this level of prime, or else it does not work.
![]() ![]() ![]() Channel Quintessence - The mage may act as a conduit for free quintessence (for a discussion on the difference between Raw and free quintessence, read the description for this effect in Mage:The Ascension, 2nd Edition). The mage may channel up to five points of free quintessence from one pattern to either themselves or another pattern for every effect rating result they acquire.
Create Talisman (immediate) - The mage may now create talismans. To create a talisman takes time, a node, and usually a horizon realm.
First off, the talisman must have a pattern into which the power will be placed. This can be any pattern, but a forces pattern is not suggested (Unless it's been frozen in time, which is kinda cool, but anyway). As soon as the pattern is located, the pattern must be prepared to be able to contain magical effects. This is done with a vulgar Adept Prime Rote, which requires expending a *PERMANENT* point of willpower and accumulating a total number of effect result ratings of 10 or more, each magical effect taking a a day.
After this, the talisman is ready to receive it's capacity to work magick. This action is what requires Disciple-level Prime to do. The mage focuses 10 points of quintessence for every Arete trait the talisman is to have. Every 10 points of quintessence must be slowly focused in over a complete day. A mage cannot create a talisman with more Arete traits than they have themselves. After this, the mage can add whatever effects the talisman is to have. Each effect must be considered static in the realm the talisman is being created in, and requires one point of quintessence per Mastery level of the effect, and a complete days' uninterrupted work. At the end of the day, the mage does the tests that normally would be required to cast the desired effect. The mage must accumulate a total magical effect rating of 4 or more before the effect is successfully put into the talisman. Note that a talisman cannot have more effects than it has Arete Traits.
After all of the effects have been put into the talisman, the mage must initially charge it with an Adept level Prime effect, which mimics Channel Quintessence for game mechanics. The talisman can hold five times it's Mastery level in quintessence.
![]() Spirit Sight/Sense - The initiate of Spirit may send their perceptions into the Umbra. By attaining an effect result rating sufficient enough to pierce the gaunt they can send their perceptions into the umbra. To have umbral excursions, go grab a narrator. Note that while your perceptions are in the Umbra, they are not in your body, so whatever perceptions you send into the umbra (you don't need to send them all) you cannot use in physical reality.
To move your senses in the Umbra, you have to move your physical body (or use Correspondence). The mage may also detect the auras of beings, and depending on the degree of success, the mage can read a target's aura to determine what type of creature they are. Spirits, ghosts and wraiths require am effect result rating of one, Shapeshifters require a result rating of two, whereas anything else requires three. The mage may also determine the gauntlet level of an area by winning a simple test.
![]() ![]() Touch Spirit - The mage may briefly touch the other side of the gauntlet with this level. The mage can pick up a fetish stick dropped by a Garou, push a spirit out of a room, or hit one over the head with something from the Umbra. Objects may not be brought over the gauntlet yet, simply manipulated from the other side if the mage attains a sphere effect rating sufficient to overcome the gauntlet of the area.
Call Spirit - The mage may also send their voice through the gauntlet with the same game mechanics as Touch Spirit. If the mage succeeds, they may ask the spirit to come to them. The spirit does not necessarily have to come to the calling, however.
Manipulate Gauntlet - The mage may also change the level of the gauntlet in an area in a minor fashion. Every effect result rating will raise or lower the gauntlet rating of the area by one for the duration of the effect. The mage cannot lower the gauntlet below 4 with this effect, however.
![]() ![]() ![]() Pierce Gauntlet - The mage can physically transport themselves and their possessions to the Umbra. By achieving an effect result rating sufficient to defeat the gauntlet of the area, the mage may transform themselves and their possessions to ephemera, the stuff of spirit, but which will possess a kind of a glow which denizens of the Umbra will detect as belonging to a living being. After the mage reaches the penumbra, they can go wherever they like (assuming they have Cosmology or a spirit guide), up to the borders which mark the Horizon and the Deep Umbra. In other words, go grab a narrator.
Rouse and Lull Spirit - The mage may now also attempt to contact spirits that are 'asleep'. By defeating the gauntlet rating in effect result ratings, the mage may contact spirits that have been out of contact for extended periods of time. The spirit, however, may not appreciate this disturbance. The mage may summon angry spirits to attack a person, which does the mage's damage rating according to the General effect table. Note that this damage is aggravated.
Onaki Tea
Her Weapons
Cherry blossoms
*Marli doesn't need Foci to cast.
Curiosity [2 flaw]: So much to know, so little time. The mage must pass a Static Mental Test (difficulty determined by a Narrator) to avoid investigating a mystery or involving themselves in a plot.
Allergic: (1-4 pt Flaw)
You are allergic to some substance pollen, animal fur,
alcohol, chocolate, etc. For one point, you get hives, sneeze or
become dizzy upon prolonged contact with your bane; for two
points, you swell up uncomfortably in the affected area,
reducing all Dice Pools by one; for three points, your reaction
actually incapacitates you, reducing appropriate Dice Pools by
three. If the substance is really common in your chronicle, add
an additional point to this Flaw. 1 pt. to cats and felines, even cat-shifters for Marli.
Nightmares: (I pt Flaw)
You experience horrendous nightmares every time you
sleep, and memories of them haunt you during your waking
hours. Sometimes the nightmares are so bad they cause you
to lose one die on all your actions for the next day
(Storyteller's discretion). Some of the nightmares may be
so intense that you mistake them for reality. A crafty
Storyteller will be quick to take advantage of this. Conflict
with your Avatar, Paradox, bad episodes of Quiet or even
difficult Seekings may lie at the roots of these night terrors.
Sadism/Masochism: (2 pt Flaw)
You are excited either by causing pain or receiving it.
In many situations, you will seek either to be hurt or hurt
someone for your pleasure. For a masochist (someone who
enjoys pain), your soak roll for actual physical damage is
increased by one because you really want to feel the pain.
A sadist (someone who likes to hurt others) must make a
Willpower roll verses a 5 to stop combat (modified
depending on how much you are into the attack and how much you
are enjoying hurting the other person). If you fail, you are
so caught up in the event that you are unaware of anything
else happening around you.
Sphere Inept: (5 p1. Flaw)
You are unable to utilize the magicks of one of the
Spheres. This is not due to the fact that you have not yet
been trained in the particular Sphere of magick. You are
denied access to this Sphere because your Avatar has been
'crippled' in some way. No matter how much time you
spend trying to correct the problem, you are unable to
remedy it. You will be forever disconnected from the mystic
Sphere selected. Discovering the cause of this 'injury'
might become a character's long-term goal. Perhaps some
sort of 'penance' could be found to eventually buy this Flaw
off. This effect could have been generated by the mage
being put through a lesser Gilgul in a previous incarnation.
The Sphere of Ineptitude must be declared during character creation
Marli's blocked Sphere: Time
Geas [1-5]: The Mage is under a geas or magical prohibition that they have no control over; the Storyteller will decide how many points this flaw is worth based upon the nature of the Geas. If the character violates this ban, they are unable to use magic until they have made amends. Marli has a 3 pt. Geas against any chemical substance that influences control and function of the brain, i.e. Drugs and Alcohol. She is allowed to drink, just not to the point of drunkenness. (Blood alcohol level above .15%)
Double-jointed: (I pt Merit)
You are unusually supple. Reduce the difficulty of any
Dexterity roll involving body flexibility by two. Squeezing
through a tiny space is one example of a use for this Merit.
Kinfolk [2-4 merit]: Your family tree includes ancestors who were Garou (or another type of shape-shifter). For 2 points, the only benefit is that Garou will be more inclined to treat you well, protecting you rather than tearing your head off. For 4 point you gain all the advantages and drawbacks associated with the Tribe you are are related to, as well as the ability to treat Gnosis and Quintessence interchangably.
Marli is a 3 merit, but she has never been around Garou enough to be taught their ways.
Fast Learner: (3 pt Merit)
You learn very quickly, and pick up on new things faster than most do. You gain one extra experience point at the conclusion of each story (not each game session).
Catlike balance: (1pt Merit)
Your sense of balance has achieved great heights by constant training of inherited traits. It is very unlikely that you will ever fall during your life. You may trip, but you will always catch yourself before you fully lose your footing or handhold.
This Merit functions for such actions as tightrope walking, crossing ice and climbing mountain sides. All difficulties involving such feats are reduced by 3. It would take a lot to push or shove a character off his feet if he has this Merit. This is v
ery appropriate for Akashic Brothers or Masters of Life magick.
Prodigy [2]: Born into a family of Mages, the character was sheltered from the brain-washing most children receive; you may add in one extra Trait during any magical test or challenge, for purposes of resolving ties or Overbids.
Luck: (3 pt Merit)
You were born lucky: your Avatar guides your steps, or
maybe the Devil looks after his own. Either way, you can
repeat three failed non-magickal rolls per story. Only one
repeat attempt may be made on any single roll.
Ambidextrous: (I pt Merit)
You have a high degree of off-hand dexterity and can
perform tasks with the 'wrong" hand at no penalty. The normal penalty for using both hands at one to perform different tasks (e.g., fighting with a weapon in each hand) is at a +1 difficulty for the "right" hand and a +3 difficulty for the other
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