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Character Sheet
![]() ![]() Traits: Brawny, Enduring, Lithe, Dignified, Cunning, Alert, Impatient
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Pure Breed: OOOO
Fetish: OOOO
Rites: OOOO
Totem: OO
Resources: OOO
Bone Rhythms
Breath of Gaia
Greet the Sun
Greet the Moon
Hunting Prayer
Prayer for the Prey
Talisman Dedication
Honorable Oath
Gathering for the Departed
Opened Sky
Long Remembering
Persuasion 1
This Gift enhances the Garou's charisma and ability to deal with others in Social situations. The character may expend a Gnosis Trait for the three Social Traits that are added to his total in a Social Challenge. This Gift may be used once at the beginning of or during a Social Challenge. These bonus Traits only last for the duration of a scene. An ancestor spirit teaches this Gift.
Dramatic Entrance 1
Self explanitory. Fang glory and honor shines through you, casting impression on those in the room.
Resist Pain 1
By expending a Gnosis Trait, the Garou may ignore wound penalties for the duration of a single conflict.
Sense Wyrm 1
The garou can sense manifestations of the wyrm in the nearby area. This Gift involves a mystical sense, not a visual or olfactory image, although Garou using this Gift are likely to say "this place stinks of the Wyrm."
Eye of the Falcon 1
Allows the Garou heightened senses for the scene, hearing, sight, smell, etc.
Jam Technology 2
The Garou can temporarily disrupt the orderly logic of the Weaver upon which technological items depend. It costs at least one Mental Trait to activate this Gift. The Garou may choose to affect a single visible item within 50 ft. The exact number of Traits she must expend depends on the complexity of the item the Garou wishes to affect. A Gremlin — a type of Wyld spirit that enjoys breaking things — teaches this Gift.
One Gnosis Trait — computer, phone, radio
Two Gnosis Traits — firearm, car, lock
Three Gnosis Traits — lever, wrench
Luna's Armour 2
The Garou calls upon the blessing of Luna to deter any damaging attacks aimed at him. The Garou gains an four points on his Toughness, and is able to regenerate silver wounds (the silver does not do the extra 6 points of damage) for the rest of the sequence. This Gift is taught by a Lune.
King of Beasts 2
Specific animals, generally the ones with which the Garou regularly associates, follow his commands willingly and unconditionally. They understand him and want to help. The target must be within 100 feet, and the Garou rolls his Gaia's Gift skill against a difficulty determined by his relationship with the animal, detailed below. This power only works on one animal at a time and does not call them to him. A Lion or Falcon teaches this Gift.
Hostile: 16
Stranger: 13
Feed and care for: 8
Sibling: 5
Staredown 2
By staring into the eyes of a human or animal, a werewolf can cause the target to flee in terror. This Gift can be used against other werewolves, but the target will freeze in place rather than flee. Targets that are powerful enough to remain frozen rather than flee, such as werewolves, Wyrm creatures, or vampires, may not flee, but cannot attack as long as the Garou continues to stare them down. However, if they are attacked themselves, all bets are off. A ram or snake spirit teaches this Gift.
Awe 2
The Garou, simply by his speech and bearing, proves to others his mastery and right to rule the other tribes. The Garou rolls his Gaia's Gift skill against the targets Willpower, if successful the target generally feels inferior to the Garou, and suffers a -1 to AV in combat and certain social situations. This Gift is taught by a Falcon Spirit.
Weak Arm 3
A perceptive Philodox with this Gift can gain valuable insights about a foe's martial prowess by merely observing his style. By witnessing a single combative challenge in which the subject is engaged, the Garou may attempt to ascertain the style's inherent strengths and weaknesses. If the Garou wins a Mental Challenge with the subject, she gains three free Physical Traits to use against the subject in their next combative challenge. These Traits are expended regardless of whether the challenge is won. In addition, the challenge must take place within the next hour or the Traits are lost. The Garou may not use this Gift on the same individual more than once per session. Snake and wind spirits teach this Gift.
Reshape object 3
The werewolf can shape once-living material (but not undead!) into a variety of objects instantly. Trees may become shelter, buck antlers become spears, animal hides become armor, and flowers become perfumes. The item will resemble the object from which it was shaped (e.g. the aforementioned spear is made of antler, not wood). Gnosis most be expended to use this Gift. A Pattern Spider — one of the Weaver's spirits — teaches this Gift.
Silver Claws 3
The Garou can turn his claws to razor sharp silver. This does an extra +4 damage in combat, and the Garou gains 1 Rage point per Sequence due to the searing pain. The Gift costs a Gnosis point a sequence to maintain, furthermore the Garou suffers a -1 impairment to non combat actions while the silver claws are manifest. A Lune teaches this Gift.
Wisdom of the Ancient Ways 3
All werewolves have an innate connection to their ancestors, a form of racial unconsciousness accessible through intense meditation. The Philodox can tap into these deep memories to remember ancient facts and lore. The Garou must meditate for a short time, concentrating on the past. The number of dots in the Background Ancestors decreases the difficulty of the Gnosis roll. An ancestor spirit teaches this Gift.
Roll Over 4
The Garou has such a commanding presence that those encountered readily submit to him, her will is such that it can force humans to their knees and wolves to roll onto their backs etc. The Garou gains an immediate +3 to his Intimidation skill. This Gift is taught by a Lion or Wolf Spirit.
Mastery 4
The Garou can command other Garou (including Wyrm tainted Garou such as Black Spiral dancers) to do her bidding. The Garou rolls his Gaia's Gift against the Willpower of his target, the Outcome of this roll is the number of Sequences that the target will obey (non-suicidal) commands. This Gift is taught by a Falcon Spirit.
Mindblock 4
The Garou possess a powerful psychic shield, increasing the difficulty of all attempts to affect or attack him mentally. The Garou's Av is increased by 5 in relation to these attacks. This includes Vampiric Domination and Presence. This Gift is taught by a Falcon Spirit.
Cocoon 4
The werewolf can wrap himself in a thick, opaque sarcophagus-like epidermis, making him immobile, but near impervious to harm. This cocoon grants him immunity to fire, starvation, gas, high pressure, cold and similar environmental hazards. Spending a Gnosis point activates the Gift. An insect or Weaver spirit teaches this Gift.
Willpower: OOOOOOOO
Silver Tolerance, Physically Impressive, Mix Morph, Metamorph, Perfect balance, Berserker
Derangement: Compulsion, Derangement: Intolerance, Twisted Upbringing, Sadism/Masochism, Nightmares, Vengeful Callous
Glory: OOOOO
Wisdom: OOOO
![]() Aggravated damage from silver.
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