Me in Anime
Okay, so here's the deal. Me and my Anime obssesed friends often assign each other characters form different shows, like characters who act or look like us and stuff. It's just a fun little thing we do. Well anyway, here's moi:
<~~~ Sailor Jupiter. They think I'm strong, heh. I looked like that a little when I had hair ^-^
<~~~ Relena *blek* They think I'm a pacifist too....Ha!
<~~~~ Iria. Strictly the hair and the big guns...Gotta have those guns, don't I? More pics of her in my gallery...
< ~~~ Hitomi Kanzaki. I think she's like me the most, personality wise. I have more pics of her in my Escaflowne gallery.
^-^ so cute!
<~~~ Lil' Washu. That's back when I was smart...She's definatley my favorite though.
<~~~ Umi. Again, when I was smart, and had hair. I was sorta "assigned" her.
That's Princess Mononoke. She's kick @$$, hangs with wolves and such, like me.
I think that's all for now...heh.